Репетитор по русскому и английскому языкам в Москве

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Репетитор русского и английского языков

Предлагаю услуги по обучению русскому как иностранному - РКИ - и английскому - EFL - English as a Foreign Language.

репетитор - учитель - преподаватель - подготовка к ЕГЭ 2011

Ликвидирую пробелы в знаниях,

повышу уровень грамотности,

дам базовые знания английского языка.

Опытный репетитор у метро Люблино – Братиславская – Марьино – Братеево – Красногвардейская – Шипиловская – Зябликово – Борисово – Москва.

Как, обучаясь, не превратиться в словарь?
Можно знать много слов, но что от них толку, если они не хотят связываться в предложения? Или, может, вы что-то говорите своему собеседнику, а он вдруг злится, краснеет, смеётся, смущается или начинает испытывать какие-то другие, странные на ваш взгляд эмоции?
Дело в том, умеете ли вы правильно употреблять слова. А точнее - говорить, не задумываясь, но сразу правильно.
Этого можно добиться только с опытом, с практикой. Заучив неверно - сложно избавиться от ошибки.

leery - careful in the way that you deal with something or someone because you do not trust them, хитрый, бывалый, подозрительный, недоверчивый [= wary]

I was very leery of him after I found out he had lied to Jennifer.

leery old bird — стреляный воробей

Задание с ЕГЭ 2011 по английскому языку:

От слова, данного в скобках, образуйте однокоренное слово, подходящее по смыслу к предложению.

A strong painkiller is the most (effect) way of getting rid of a headache.  - A strong painkiller is the most effective way of getting rid of a headache.

1. A strong painkiller is the most (effect) way of getting rid of a headache.

2. You should consider your options (care) before making a decision.

3. Many youth (organise) offer summer enrichment programs.

4. The mayor won by an overwhelming (major) in last week's elections.

5. The two countries have overcome many of their (culture) differences.

6. Everyone should have basic (know) of forst aid procedures.

7. The (compete) winner will spend two weeks in France.

8. Our (correspond) over the years has helped us to build a good friendship.

9. It is our (oblige) to protect the environment.

10. The (entertain) committee is organising a spring carnival.

11. Education can help (broad) your horizons.

12. The sudden (close) of the travel agency left many people stranded abroad.

13. Recent statistics show that (employ) is unfortunately on the rise again.

14. A grant was given for the (construct) of a new sports facility.

15. He will be leaving (short) for a business trip overseas.

16. The police made an (announce) about the arrest this morning.

17. A new (advertise) campaign started yesterday to promote recycling.

18. Unfortunately, she wasn't (qualify) and didn't get the job.

19. It is his (intend) to run for this position next year.

20. Scientists have (recent) discovered another planet in our galaxy.

21. The children were very (enthusiasm) about their trip to the zoo.

22. Even though Simon was very (wealth) , he was not a happy man.

23. David Jenkins' (late) book have already become a best seller.

24. We need to find a (solve) to our economic problems.

25. Jane's daughter had a sudden (grow) spurt whe she started school.

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